When we are bound by our Circumstances;
bound by our Problems;
bound by our Financial Woes;
bound by Procrastination and bound by Sin
Acts 16:16-40 (read)
Paul and Silas, were beaten, imprisoned and bound unable to walk around freely, unlike
the physical prisons of today. Think about that because, it is one thing to be in prison:
But to be Bound in your Prison?!
The enemy creates Prisons in our lives; We create prisons when we do not trust God,
Prisons hold us Captive, Hinder & Stagnate
our Growth.
These are your Doubt Prison, Your Fear Prison, Your Secret Sin Prison, Your Worry Prison
and Your Prison of Unbelief.
Paul & Silas:
When it seemed like Everything was against them; When it seemed like there
was no way out; When it seemed like all Hope was Fading: They used what was Loose;
To Break the Shackles off What was Bound! They Praised God in the Midst of their circumstances!
With their feet Bound, they remembered (as we should) that GOD, Keeps his word
His word says, PS 34;19 Many are the afflictions of the Righteous but the Lord delivered them
out of them ALL. John 8:36 Whom the son set free is Free Indeed. That must have been when
they realized their hands weren't bound (Some state that there hands were bound also the bible says their feet were in bonds) and lifted Holy hands in the midst of the circumstance
- It may seem you are up to your neck in debt;
- it may seem like your problems are pulling you under like quicksand;
- it may seem like you are about to lose your job or home;
- you may have an unsaved spouse or family member pulling you in every direction
- it may seem like No one understands what you are going through
the current situation; the Pain; the Struggle in order to separate themselves to
GOD and the more they surrendered the circumstances. The Louder the Praise got
because, "They Turned the Volume Up!' and those heavy shackles fell off, the prison
shook and the doors flew open.
What Blessed me about this passage as well, is that though they were no longer bound,
no longer captive - they remained, they didn't leave.
The reason they didn't leave is because they saw a need they saw a need; the guard himself was bound and needed to be set free.
Now that they were Loose:
They can help the one that is Bound!
There are times when we may need a little help and cannot breakthrough on our own.
I thought about, when Jesus raised Lazarus, after he commanded him to come forth
he saw that he was bound hand & foot and his face was bound: He told those that were
near to Loose him and let him Go.
The Brothers & Sisters, that are Loosed can help break the shackles off our
Brothers & Sisters that are Bound. We need Corporate Praise to help us Breakthrough to where God is. This is one of the reasons Church and Fellowship are so important. When you are in the Pride Prison that pride will not allow you to seek help and the enemy will say, you don't need to let people know your business just to hold you captive.
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