Before we were
saved, we spoke with a Godless way of thinking which stems from being born in
Sin. Glory be to God, We are now new creatures and we must lay aside every
Therefore if
anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as
Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old
things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold,
new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]. 2 Cor
5:17 (AMP)
Old things: Old
habits, Old disposition, Old way of thinking. We want to separate ourselves
from negative thinking. Do not embrace uncertainty.
Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
I want to
share an analogy the spirit gave me. If
I type, "I can't make it!' into my computer into a program on my computer
it will automatically, save whatever information I enter. so that I can retrieve
that information at anytime even months or years from now. Now when I retrieve
that information it will produce exactly what I put in "I can't make
it!" that is the information I gave it. It doesn't change until I change
it. Now there are some programs that will ask you "Do you want to save
this?" You have a choice whetther to keep it, delete it or change it. Now
use this analogy in your personal walk you have to exercise you mind to think
like Christ. . I use the word exercise because it is like a muscle the more you
exercise it the stronger it gets "READ your WORD!" Study the word if
you do not study the word you HAVE NOTHING TO FIGHT WITH! Do not let the Enemy
control the Keyboard!
Like I
mentioned, above you have a choice you do not have to except everything the
enemy throws at you WE HAVE POWER!! This is where you should refuse to yield
your thoughts to negatively, I can't, I doesn't, it won't, I don't have, I
can't make it, and I'm not.. you are defeating yourself because like the
computer analogy you are programming this negativity into your spirit.
Therefore, reflecting the exact opposite of who Christ says, we are and what we
can do and continuing this way can be a Stronghold - A Stronghold is a mindset
that accepts a situation as un-changeable even when it is contrary to the will
of God, you have defeated yourself for sooo long that you now believe everything you
say; what others say and what you say about others to be true. When someone speaks life
into you and you can't receive it because you have programmed this belief system.
I exhort you to
Speak Life - Speak life into yourself, your children and others. Words have Power. You have the ability to Build up or Tear down with your Words. Life and Death
are in the Power of the tongue. Prov 18:21
The word tells
us to take our thoughts captive to the Obedience of Christ 2 Cor 10:5. We
struggle we all struggle you are not alone . The Flesh will always be in
constant conflict with the Spirit they are contrary to one another. It is
IMPORTANT to stay in the word says, a double-minded man is unstable in all his
ways. The enemy want to raise up a partition in our mind he wants to block the knowledge
of God from increasing you. as soon as you say, you want to do something in the
kingdom he says, you can't do that it is not going to work, it won't help
anybody and what do we do we get discouraged and sit down and we become someone
who occupies a pew in church, a ineffective, soldier for Christ because you
fail to realize who you are in him.
RENEW when the
bible tells us to renew or we are renewed we are restored we are made New there
is a change that needs and has taken
Please read
Proverbs 18:21; 2 Cor 10:3-5; James 1:8; Ps 139:23,24
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