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Friday, January 27, 2017

SALVATION Not IN MAN -Man Can't Save You

GOD is Faithful, Man is Fallible
Read: Psalms 118:8; Isaiah 2:22; Jeremiah 17:5
It is my prayer that the men and women reading this Commit to Studying the word of God for themselves. Become knowledgeable and learn to rightly the divide the word of Truth. Not be deceived in this evil day or listen to the whispering of the enemy and not lean into their own or man's understanding. Amen.
Do you make Mistakes?
I make mistakes so, do our leaders.
Yes, the shepherds over us they make mistakes. I have such a respect for a man/woman of God who acknowledges this truth.
Do not be taken back, if you hear these words come across the pulpit in your church; Because they are human; they are called, but not perfect.
Now there are also, those who wouldn't admit to a mistake if Jesus, himself came and asked and, they are out there - there are two side to every coin yen/yang; positive/negative; good/evil; up/down; faith/unbelief and they exist in every church.
BEFORE you jump on the band wagon Sistah Sarah is NOT saying,
don't or stop going to church; I am NOT saying, that.
What i am saying, and what I heard in the spirit is:
Do not put your Trust in Man; there is no salvation in man; they can make the introduction but man can't save you Not Jakes, Dollar, Bryant, Hinn, Winston, Blake, Parsley, Bynum, Carpenter or Chan
They are men.
They get tired, They can stumble, They may experience spiritual burnout, they get tempted as do you or I.
I am NOT saying, they do not preach the word. I am saying, regardless, of who teaches you or how awesome they preach "Know the word of God for yourself. Study.. It is the Only way you will be able to test the spirit by the spirit 1 John 4:1 and to know them by their fruit Matthew 7:16 People are people - people disappoint.
Micah 7:5-8 says (AMP)
5 Do not trust in a neighbor [because of the moral corruption in the land];
Do not have confidence in a friend.
Guard the doors of your mouth
From her who lies in your bosom.
6 For the son dishonors the father and treats him contemptuously,
The daughter rises up [in hostility] against her mother,
The daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
A man’s enemies are the men (members) of his own household.
7 But as for me, I will look expectantly for the Lord and with confidence in Him I will keep watch;
I will wait [with confident expectation] for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.
8 Do not rejoice over me [amid my tragedies], O my enemy!
Though I fall, I will rise;
Though I sit in the darkness [of distress], the Lord is a light for me.
So think twice the next time you say, Blood is thicker than water. People use that passage to commit family members to a deep sense of loyalty which sometimes, ends up being about control (but, that is another topic) Your loyalty is to God not man - I heard someone say on you tube about Bishop Long that "When he walked into a room he commanded attention it was as if he was God. Well he is not God (No disrespect) Where is your God now? God did not call Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers or Evangelists for us to make Gods out of them.
STOP, discerning these men and women of God in the natural by the how well they preach, the size of their church building, the size of their congregation and celebrity status and you are running to their churches throwing money and you can't get near them They are not God and if this is what you are following them for them when they Fall You'll Fall too. It is sad that people do not appreciate the small church the church that labors With you and will pray with you; the church that is truly your spiritual family because they know who you are and can shake your leaders hand and there with you in the hospital
Discern by the Spirit. Try the Spirit by the Spirit with the word of God
There are so many ways in which the enemy seeks to deceive us Study, Watch and Pray.

#ICareAboutYourSoul #SistahSarah #WatchNPray #NAGMinistries

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Someone who travels extensively, thinks they are living because they have an opportunity to see the world.
Someone, who has fame well they believe they are living because, of their accomplishments.
A person with riches, they believe they are living because they believe they can buy Happiness.
A person with Power, thinks they are living because of their Capacity.
Those who go to the club weekend and week out, you think you are living because this.. you think is life: fun.
The Drug-Addict and Alcoholic, think they are living because they can escape life's problems through substance.
The LGBT, They think they are living because they think there is no greater love than that of their own gender. They believe they are living because, they are free to be who they really are.
The Christian who, turns from the Faith to go back into sin they believe once saved, is always saved they believe they are living.

1 John 5:12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

Bottom line: If you Do not have Christ in Your life, you are a Sinner. You are in sin, there is no Life in you.
The opposite of Life is Death. Consider yourself, a zombie (the walking dead). A "Spiritually dead" person may mean someone who is not spiritual (materialist, atheist) - one, who identifies himself with dead matter, though he is a living conscious being. The picture the devil has painted before you is an illusion it is a mirage. Open your eyes and ears to the word of God so you can see the "Real" picture the Truth.
Image result for LIKE A ZOMBIE 
The wages of sin is Death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life Romans 6:23

The same way the devil deceived Eve, with the fruit he made it look very appetizing, very inviting, made it sound very sweet Genesis 3:4-5 and that right there gave birth to sin. It is the same thing he is doing to you.  I told you in some of my previous posts; that devil uses the same ol' tricks it's just a new day and he has some of you thinking you are living, the devil is not your friend… Do not wait until it is too late to find that out.

Think about the choices you make. You will make a life-style change to lose weight; You will Change to hold on to someone you love; You will sacrifice your values and morals for money but, you won't make a Life-Style change to Save your Soul? You will lie and steal to get what you want but, You won't make a change for someone who died for you?

The Dead think They are Living but, there is No Life without Christ.
How to know you are Dead:
  1. Someone has to pump you up (Practically have to use a defibrillator to get some people to Praise God. Ephesians 2:1
  2. No Spiritual Understanding. The bible says, the natural man does not understand spiritual things and can't I Cor 2:14 Isaiah 6:9,10
  3. With that they do not have a desire for Spiritual things they do not seek after God no personal relationship Job 21:14 you try to talk this person about God and they deflect to another subject.
  4. No Spiritual strength. No ability to encourage themselves let alone anyone else. Incapable of living right after they come short no recovery. no life in them for change This leopard cannot change his/her spots Jeremiah 13:23
  5. No Peace always fearful always worrying Isaiah 57:21 No peace to the wicked

Romans 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Men and Women of God we have a Work to DO:
But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee Acts 26:16

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Cold Hard Truth: JUDGING

Don't judge? But Jesus repeatedly taught men to judge rightly, insisting they “judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24) and He praised a man who “rightly judged” (Luke 7:43). Paul shamed the Corinthian Christians because no one among them was willing to “judge the smallest matters” (1 Cor. 6:2). As the Apostle wrote, “He who is spiritual judges all things” for “we have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:15-16).

To say, and or accentuate that someone can't judge
you is not an accurate statement. Where did we get the notion that men should never judge? You can be Judged but with a Righteous Judgment. do not worry about being Judged on Earth; God will Judge you according to your works he is our Eternal Judge.
Stop, using this statement as a pass for your sin.

You can refuse man's judgement but, there is a Judgement that you will not be able to refuse.

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If men refuse to accept God's judgment of sin, and refuse to judge themselves by that Word which is the only infallible standard, then there only remains the penalty for their sin, which is judgment to destruction. Eternal death is the consequence of sin upon unregenerate man.
Judgement is to every person, it separates the wheat from the tares and separates the Faithful from the wicked. There is clearly a difference between righteous judgement and outwardly condemning someone which is to outwardly, declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil.

 As many, self-righteous sinners and Christians have jumped on this band wagon taking to Condemn, Gossip and Judge the life of the late Bishop Eddie Long! If you want to continue to speak on something you know nothing about. if you, want to keep with entertaining gossip and unjust opinions you do so at your own risk. Personally, I know nothing of this man and neither does most those who are condemning this man, except for what you have read or heard. Shame on you. It is not for me to judge or give an opinion ALL, He, Me and You will ALL have to answer to God.
Matthew 7:1-3
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1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

 Again, righteous judgement is to compare and line up with the wrong of God to exhort to a righteous way of living. #SistahSarah #ICareAboutYourSoul
Thank You, Holy Spirit!
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Father, I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, that the lives of those reading this today will line up with your will and your word; I ask that you increase a level of conviction that will not be shrugged off or disregarded. It is my prayer today that your people be enlightened and transformed in mind and deed. Thank you, Holy Spirit for giving me a word to share with your people that will further commit them into righteousness. Amen

We are to pattern our lives after Christ, our most Holy and perfect example.
Like Christ we are to be Faithful.
We serve and all-knowing God, He knows our every thought; He knows what motivates our actions and what does not; He knows the intent of the heart and every hair on our head is numbered. There is nothing that God does not know about you. Like our natural parents: he knows when we are lying and he knows when we say, we can't or couldn't do something that we really could but did not; simply because, we did not want to and He knows when we are making excuses.

A lot of our Brothers and Sisters are missing the mark in this area. This is an open door, the enemy has been allowed to walk right on in because, he has deceived you into thinking there is nothing  wrong with missing church here and there; missing bible study; using your tithes to buy something new The enemy has deceives you into thinking this is okay, everyone does it and as a result you have become un-repentant.
You are the foolish one...
Disobedience and Lying. some Christians  have become so comfortable with it that it has now become a weekly and monthly practice. Your intent was to miss one service? That is all enemy needed, now you miss church a couple times a month, now you miss once a week and do not bother to even call anymore. The road to Heaven was paved with good intentions everyone has them but, hear me when I say, everyone won't make it in. It is a downhill slope and pretty soon the enemy will have it that you slip right on out.

THIS is the part where some will begin to say, "I am judging them"

What happened to Pressing towards the mark? The old school saints use to teach us to Press: that is to move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force. In others words make an effort to move forward to reach your destination or intended goal without slacking . Phil 3:12-14. I use to shake my head when patients would call the physician's office to cancel an appointment because they were sick. Uh, Hello?? This is a doctor's office a place where you come to get treatment that let me know they didn't want help - It is the same thing in church everything you need is in the house of God, your healing- your deliverance- your victory- the word- and you can't press your way because of a headache? You cannot press your way because you are tired? You cannot press due to some friend/family obligation? You cannot press because you bumped your arm at work?
What You can't do is let your emotions dictate your destiny! 
What you can't do is Lie to the Holy Ghost!

"You don't know, what I go through."
My answer: You will never Get Through, if you don't obey and believe God.
 "You don't understand."
My answer: I do not need to understand, YOU need to know what the word says, you do not want me to understand; You want me to sympathize with you.
"You do not know, How I feel."
My answer: "Feelings do not move God, Faith moves God."

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Read Hebrews 10:23-27,39

You can't ignore God will. What are you saying, that God can't heal a mere headache? Sometimes, we feed into the flesh without even realizing it. We also, can't avoid the process that God is trying to take us through to make us better. God also, knows when we are impatient and discouraged.  Do not let the enemy cause you to skip church because, you feel like God is taking too long. Do not Allow the enemy to make you jump the gun or take matters into your own hands because you think he is taking too long. You cannot hurry God, You cannot manipulate God to move before his appointed time. Wait.

 See Sometimes, We know exactly what we are doing and that's between you and our all-knowing God; the outcome doesn't change just because, man doesn't see what you are doing; but a man or woman of God He has gifted that can see nothing will be hidden. God may use a man or Woman of God to warn and speak life into you. If you refuse to hear that is on you. The Chastisement God exercises in your life is corrective and preventative. "Proverbs 13:1 A wise son heeds his father's correction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke."

The result of disobedience and forsaking fellowship:
  • Chastisement
  • Hinder your blessings
  • Leave yourself open to the enemy
  • Backsliding/ Apostasy
  • Walking away from the covering of your church (Sin breaks fellowship)
  • Sickness and Disease

We want God to change, manipulate, mold, shift and turn things in our Favor but we won't turn from the things that please our flesh, those things we know Do not please God. If when our blessing is delayed we blame the Man or Woman of god that spoke a word to you; We blame God and everyone but our own short-comings and Disobedience.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Dogs, Pigs and Pearls
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Matthew 6:6,7
Do not give, what is Holy to dogs!

We are all ministers. We as ministers are to share the good news (gospel) with those that walk in the dark.
In the light of GOD'S word, the light that shines in and through us; it is our hope that - that man or woman would turn from their wicked ways and come to CHRIST.

This is not always the case. There are those that refuse to hear regardless, of the Truth.
There are those even in the church who dabble in their sin and their indiscretions and despite giving them a word of truth, a word from the Lord, speak life and warn; they from their seat on pew slowly return to their sinful ways (vomit) Proverbs 26:11. You can wash a pig but it will go right back out and roll in the mud again.

Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Niece, Cousin, Usher, Deacon, Church Mother, Sons, Daughters, Musician, Minister, Choir director, Friend, Co-worker, Sinner, Etc.,

(Without passing Judgment, we are to judge with a righteous judgment. Compare their actions/life against the word of God tell them what the word says, this is righteous judgment.)
We are commissioned to share the Gospel; to warn to exhort unto righteousness but,…
HE did not commission us to "BABYSIT" the Un-righteous.
As a matter of fact, He instructed us Matthew 10:14 "…Shake the dust off your feet…" when they mock you; the word; reject; and disregard the word they are become as dogs and pigs that is scripture Matthew 7:6,7

Pearls were once considered a very valuable piece of Jewelry.
Therefore, when you find yourself trying to push, force feed the word of GOD you are subjecting yourself and GOD'S word to an individual or group who is rejecting GOD's word. (That is their choice, they have free will.) It is like trusting your valuables; your diamonds, your gold to animals who will only desecrate  it. FoR they are blinded (by satan) from realizing it's true value, saving grace, and power through the blood and  forgiveness of sins.

And, Woe to those who do know and shrug off Conviction! It is Willful Sin and they are Scoffers!

STOP! Trying to BABYSIT sinners, into salvation. You are only hindering your walk and your destiny dealing with those who refuse to hear. Walk away, continue to go forward; Most of all continue to let your shine  because they will continue to watch you walk even after you walk away.

It is insanity, to keep doing the same things over and over  and expect the result to be different.

Listen to your Spirit and seek GOD'S wisdom: when dealing with the unsaved the Spirit of discernment will reveal to you who hears and who doesn't.
The last part of our verse says, "…They will trample them under their feet ; turn again and rend you."

What does 'Rend" mean? Rend means: 1. to tear (something) into two or more pieces. Rip apart. 2. Cause great emotional pain to a person or their heart.

You have to keep in mind, When you are a Christian walking in righteousness living for God not only are you are an enemy to satan but you become an enemy to everyone who isn't a Christian and walking in righteousness, I told you before you can't trust everybody Holy Ghost so what makes you think you can trust those who do not have Christ? We Love family, friends, etc., but remember to whom you  yield yourselves servants to obey. YOUR LOYALTY SHOULD BE TO GOD! They will come around or they won't but you can't do what  God wants you to do if, you are waiting around for someone who won't hear. It's your job to catch'em- let GOD clean'em


Good Morning - Good Afternoon - Good Evening, Everyone
No excuses!
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I'm shaking my head while, I write this; Because, I am mad at myself; because, I allowed a door to crack open. A door that had been closed and as we all know: when you give the enemy an opening; he will walk right on in and that is exactly, what he did.
I was on the phone with someone this morning. They were speaking life into me. The conversation, it was like having a flat tire and this person was airing me up but, I didn't realize there was a hole so the air given to me was seeping right back out.
I am not saying this for dramatic effect
 that is how I was feeling.
Because, I woke up this morning more focused on those areas the enemy was attacking (Health, Finances, People in my Life etc.,) The door I allowed the enemy access was worry and just in that moment worry was becoming like Kryptonite, to my spiritual man and it was pulling strength from me. The person, I was talking to Hit me where I live and that is writing sharing the word of God, and helping my brothers and sisters in Christ by exposing the enemy in that we do not fall prey to the enemies schemes. 
They said, to me: You speak the word everyday - 
everyday you write - everyday. 

Do you not believe what you have been preaching?
A Bolt of lightening might as well have stuck me in that moment, they were still talking to me and I went inside and asked, God to forgive me- because, I slipped - Yes, I slipped and when I got off the phone I asked, myself What are you doing? What are you doing? Psalms 94:18-19

I began to think How did I get here. 
See what I should of said, this morning when I woke up this morning was "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." I look to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help comes from the Lord." "We shall Prosper and Be in Health" That is what I should of said.

People of God I am sharing this with you because, I am real about who I am. God has brought me through so much. I Love God with the core of my being, mind, body and soul. We are over comers and overcome by the words of our testimony. I have no stones to throw. I know what God has brought me through. If this can happen to me and can happen to any of us. Prophet Richard Jackson spoke a powerful word on yesterday "Getting Free from your Invisible Demons" and there the enemy comes. One thing with the enemy people of God, he pushes the same ol' game, his tricks, his schemes do not change just a different day, different person.

NO Excuses!! Romans 1:20
You know why? Because, I know what GOD can do. Yes, I made a mistake. Had I been Vigilant the enemy would not have had an opening to begin with. The enemy has an agenda when it comes to the people of GOD and it is to "..KILL, STEAL and DESTROY..."
So where do I go from here? 
That was this morning: 
Get it right (I Did)
Forgive myself (I Do)
Praise God (even as we speak)
Refuel, Watch and Pray 
(Without ceasing, less the enemy slip up on you)
Put on the Armour of God and Turn the Volume UP!!!
I am back! and that lady who seemed to be stumbling in defeat...

That last thing, I want to say people of God, No matter who you are, your status or how many years you have been saved; you are not immune to the attack of the enemy. Trouble will come: troubles come and go. When the weight seems to heavy to bear and seems like you have no strength YOU use what all you think you have left AND, YOU BELIEVE GOD NO MATTER WHAT! For God is FAITHFUL and he will NEVER put more on us than we can bear. Fight the good fight of Faith..with out it it is impossible to please, God. When you are kept from slipping.. Encourage your Brothers and Sisters and give God the Glory
Thank You, Jesus. #SistahSarah Not mad at myself anymore "When you know better, you Do better!" Keep Going.