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Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Church Hopping is Revelant in Todays Church
People tend to Avoid this Subject: Not Today!

Why do People Church Hop??

Reason 1:
They do not take the time for Growth or to Establish Roots. Ps. 92:12-13

Reason 2:
They Do not connect to the Vision/Direction of the Church. Heb. 12:15

Reason 3:
Running from the Truth!! They do not like correction or respect Authority. They have itching ears 2 Tim 4:3-4

Reason 4:
They are Sensitive Saints and get offended (feelings hurt) over every little thing. Prov. 18:19
 Low self-esteem.

Reason 5:
They have their own Agendas. 
a.) Came to church looking for a Man/Woman instead of God.
b.) They feel they are called, into the Ministry. They want to preach.
When it doesn't work out their way they leave.

Reason 6:
They Lost their Zeal for the things of God 2 Tim 4:10

Reason 7:
They are not completely Delivered and no desire to be. Sin is the Dominating factor in their lives.

If you cannot commit to a church; How can you commit to God??

You may not know, What you may be Hopping into! Or, Who is Hopping into your Church.

#ICareAboutYourSoul Thank You, Holy Spirit #SistahSarah Love my Church #NewAppointed

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