First, let's make sure we have an understanding; as to what our best is and in what and where; do we present our best. What does your Best mean? it means, Surpassing all others in Excellence, Achievement or Quality.
This means our best in our:
Service - being a servant (good steward)
Contribution - in giving
Performance - using what you have (your gifts/talents)
Representation - how you represent Christ (your attitude, your dress, etc.,)
Colossians 3:22-24 22 Servants, in everything obey those who are your masters on earth, not only with external service, as those who merely please people, but with sincerity of heart because of your fear of the Lord. 23 Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord [not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your [greatest] reward. It is the Lord Christ whom you [actually] serve.
It is as simple as this. Have you ever walked into a store, restaurant, theater and come in contact with someone who made you say to yourself he/she must not like their job or came out and asked them, “Are you having a bad day?” Well I have and simply because they didn’t smile, or was rude and because, I know what good service feels like.
Some try to get by on the Mediocre, on the Satisfactory some have become Convenient Christians, thinking they are getting by on what is Convenient to them and think this will be acceptable to God. Who is all knowing. Do not boast about anything you do for God, if you are not doing Everything, you can for God. Whatever you - do it wholeheartedly Col 3:23; Eph 6:7.
One of many things, i have learned in this life and by my own experience is that: No matter what you do in school, at home, at church, at work, or in your relationships. Is If your heart isn’t in it, your performance (your effort) will be all lack luster (the bible says, the Salt has lost its savor)
I Love working, in the medical field, I have a passion for people and it showed, my uniforms were always clean, I would iron and starch them 2 weeks worth, i was always on time, always present, i would go above beyond when I could, i would study and seek different ways to be an asset, even when i complained, I did not let it change my performance and i didn’t do it for recognition I did it because I love what i do.
There are times, when the dynamics of the relationship change. it is part of life, but no excuse to stop or take it out on those you are serving. Things happen people disappoint (GOD remains Faithful) Remember, how you feel when you are in a new relationship you are excited, women can attest to this. You are always, smiling, cooking, doing romantic things, your significant other doesn’t have to ask you to do anything because, you are on it but; when the dynamic changes ( he forgets to call, comes home to late, doesn’t help with responsibilities, doesn’t keep a job, etc.,) the momentum decreases, then you begin to become less concerned and stop making an effort all together. (You must Forgive and Stay Saved).
This how some of us are in our relationship with God and in the church. The members lose momentum and zeal then, our pastors end up preaching to a bunch of dry stagnated - bones. when you are recruited, to work in church be honest if that is not something, you want to do then do something, you know you will put your heart into.Too many, right there in the body of Christ are trying to get the Full-Time benefits of part-time work or no work at all but preferring to warm the pew. Guess what, lay member you are still commissioned to bear fruit. We all will be judged according to our work.
Scripture Reference: Rom 12:1; Prov 10:4,5; Prov 13:4; Rom 2:6; Luke 6:46; 2 Thes 3:11; Matt 5:41
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