We are lead busy lives,
We all on a daily basis tend to interact with the Hustle and Bustle of things around us:
Work, School, Children, Spouse, Bills, Events, The Groceries, The Dry Cleaners and Meetings.
The necessity of our duties on earth can cause us to neglect our Spiritual Disciplines---
Prayer, Study of God's Word and Fasting. Prayer is an integral part of our personal relationship with God.
Prayer: Connects us to God,
Studying the Word: Nourishes us Spiritually and arms us against the enemy
Fasting: Powers us up (different levels of fasting benefits the Spiritual Man in different ways 1 day fast 3 day fast etc;
When we put the cares of this world ahead of God: We enter into a dependence of self rather than, a dependence on God. The Bible instructs us… Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Psalms 55:22 Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved (1 Peter 5:7).
When we negate our Spiritual Disciplines, putting things before God has a Trickle-Down effect; as more and more you begin to take matters into your own hands.
"I have to do this." 'I need to do that."
We even begin to put our desires before God, expressly our desire for a mate and begin to seek out a mate on our own and without God's direction.
As you proceed , to walk in your own strength (*Proverbs 28:26; Phil 2:13) Your Spiritual pulse gets weak. This is Arrhythmia: A deviation from the normal pattern of the heartbeat. You have lost momentum. You have lost your first Love (Rev 2:4-7).
Because, your Heart is beating for the care of this world, you are unsuccessfully drawing strength from your own will and have now allowed the things that can bless you spiritually - to Lapse
*You use to be a Faithful Tither and now you are scheming off the top or no longer tithing at all.
*You use to attend Faithfully, now you need to babysit, are so tired or some other excuse.
*You use to contribute your time and effort towards the vision of the church and now you show a lack of interest.
Gods knows and sees this.
Now your pulse is weak and Thready.
Your Pastor, Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ are trying to revive you through the word but, you will not hear; and now you are grieving the Holy Spirit
Sclerosis: a medical term for hardening. Spiritual Hardness of the Heart.Next it is through, the hardness of your heart that you now begin to conform to the dominion of Sin.
Negating your Spiritual Disciplines, Losing momentum in the things of God, Walking in your own Strength cause Cardiac Arrest…With the Entrance of Sin You FLAT-LINE and now you become Dead to Christ.
Post-Mort em: You go to Hell
Then, ENTERS in the Second Death.
Lord, I Pray that your word reaches far and wide...
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