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Monday, October 31, 2016

STOP, PLAYING CHURCH!! The Other Church Hopper!!

Earlier, this week I shared "CHURCH HOPPING"

This is Part 2
STOP, Playing Church!!

When you are Playing Church:
You not consistent in the things of God;
You are not Faithful;
You have no Loyalty to the Leadership;
You are not Productive;
You do not support the vision of the Church;
You seek after the things of the World;
You are not invested;
You have your own agenda, YOU

These are those who share the excuses in Church Hopping #1 (See Above) but, use these excuses to  Hop right back into the world but, when you find that you have tasted of the Goodness of Jesus. You soon find that you are no good in the world and no good in church.

Romans 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.They are opposed to one another, so that you do not do what you want.

You are now trying to find you your happy medium of which there is none.
You cannot serve God and Mammon
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

You have a desire to be saved on one hand but, get mad at the Preacher when you are told the truth;
You want to Benefit from the Blessing on this hand but, on the other hand you do not want to put in  the work; You are trying to live right  at church on one hand but, nothing to show for it when you go home on the other; You will hear the word and want to be elevated on the right hand
but on the left you can't stand to be corrected (You got too many hands!)

2 Timothy 3:5-7 (KJV)
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

I can't be perfect and imperfect at the same time. I am going to be one or the other. I am going to be righteous or unrighteous. I am going to be a child of God or a child of the devil. You are either Hot or Cold, pick one?

If you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are in-complete. Without the Holy Spirit you have nothing to keep you
 John 14:16,26

You cannot Trust your Flesh!!! (sounds like another Topic)
The bible says, Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Who can know it? That tells me I cannot depend on my own flesh. We must die daily as not to entertain the flesh. The word of God is un-compromising, it will not compromise with the Flesh!!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ephesians 1:18 (AMP)
And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the [a]hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the [b]Saints (God’s people),

A moment in Prayer and a few weeks ago, and I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “I will stretch my hand in the earth and set order! The sinner, will not inherit my Kingdom; The homosexual, will not inherit my Kingdom; The lukewarm, will not inherit my Kingdom; The unrighteous, will not inherit my Kingdom; Men of God conform to the lust of their flesh and to this world and will be spewed out of my mouth! I will stretch my hand in the Earth and set order!” What I saw in the spirit caused me to weep for those that are lost. The lost ones have been in my Spirit since and, I have been sending up prayers for them Praying his grace and mercy.

 If you are not saved. You do not know Christ. If you do not know Christ, you are LOST!                     You are walking in the dark because, you can’t see the Light! When you cannot see, it is because you are blind and when you are blind; you cannot see what is Right in Front of you and so you stumble (sin). Many of you have heard the word but choose to remain in your sin. Blinded Minds; Blinded Lives! This happens for a few reasons:
1. But even if our gospel is [in some sense] hidden [behind a veil], it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing; 4 among them the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Cor 4:3-4
2. But the natural [unbelieving] man does not accept the things [the teachings and revelations] of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness [absurd and illogical] to him; and he is incapable of understanding them, because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, [and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters]. 1 Cor 2:14
3. For the time, will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Tim 4:3-4
4. You have Free will. (It is your choice true enough just know, that you must live with the consequences of our decisions) 
See, you reject the word because, you are listening to someone who is a known deceiver and will continue to do so (Refer to The Devil is a Liar  http://virtuousviewpoint.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-devil-is-liar.html)
The enemy, that devil knows you; he knows what to use to keep you from church and, every time you try he will set a stumbling block in your way.  The enemy comes to Kill, Steal and Destroy this is his sole purpose. I want to shed some light through the Holy Spirit in your dark places to help you see. Christ is come that we might have Life! The enemy, will show you everything you do not want to Blind you from what you need. The Enemy knows how to play on your weakness, to keep you down we know people like this in our lives they know, exactly, what to say, to get us to do things (the enemy will work through others to keep us from God.)  
If you really, tired Jesus is the Christ the Savior.
Stop, walking in the Dark you do not want to bumping into the same walls.

It’s time to get free #ICareAboutYourSoul
You can’t stop smoking? 
You can’t leave an abusive relationship? 
You can’t stop drinking? 
Drugs and want to stop but can’t? 
That is the enemy at work in your life trying to keep you bound? This is how he keeps you from being delivered because once you are set free he must lose his hold on you and if you continue to resist him he must flee.

Thank You, Holy Spirit!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Help others with your Wisdom Intact

Why should I be discouraged?  When I put my Hope in God.

 When we take on a responsibility God never gave us, it can become too heavy a burden to bear. 
If you’re in the habit of Helping People, you soon realize they don’t always respond 
or behave in the way  with which you’d like. We end up pulling out of ourselves more than we would like to for longer than we like.

And, we get Burned out. When God wants you to do something, 
he supplies the Energy, Endurance, Patience and Perseverance to do it...
There is No Burn Out!! He will also, Release you in his timing.

And that’s the case whether it’s your children, your friends, your family, 
church members, neighbors or the people you work with.  

When we know we have done what God told us to do, We need to trust him to do what we can't do. 
We can help people out of the Goodness of our hearts But, we need to Seek  God direction 
as to How much, How long and in What ways to help others. 
When we take on responsibilities God didn't give us we cannot get upset over not being 
able to control the outcome. 
When we have done our part, Let go and let God do his. 

Phil 2:13
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Church Hopping is Revelant in Todays Church
People tend to Avoid this Subject: Not Today!

Why do People Church Hop??

Reason 1:
They do not take the time for Growth or to Establish Roots. Ps. 92:12-13

Reason 2:
They Do not connect to the Vision/Direction of the Church. Heb. 12:15

Reason 3:
Running from the Truth!! They do not like correction or respect Authority. They have itching ears 2 Tim 4:3-4

Reason 4:
They are Sensitive Saints and get offended (feelings hurt) over every little thing. Prov. 18:19
 Low self-esteem.

Reason 5:
They have their own Agendas. 
a.) Came to church looking for a Man/Woman instead of God.
b.) They feel they are called, into the Ministry. They want to preach.
When it doesn't work out their way they leave.

Reason 6:
They Lost their Zeal for the things of God 2 Tim 4:10

Reason 7:
They are not completely Delivered and no desire to be. Sin is the Dominating factor in their lives.

If you cannot commit to a church; How can you commit to God??

You may not know, What you may be Hopping into! Or, Who is Hopping into your Church.

#ICareAboutYourSoul Thank You, Holy Spirit #SistahSarah Love my Church #NewAppointed

Know God for Yourself and Trust in Him!

Brothers & Sisters in Christ:

Trust your heart in Christ. 

Know the Word for yourself and be aware.
When people do wrong of which they can't recover. 
Lying, Accusations, Stealing, Misuse of Gods word.
Instead of them getting it right; You must Know, 
that the first thing the devil will do is take them out of church 
because they will not take responsibility for their wrong-doing:

"Misery Loves Company" 

you can best believe that before they leave they will try to take someone with them. 
They will try to Sow discord among believers. They will tell you lies, lies, lies about others.
Go to the source for yourself, for the Truth Ask questions. Follow Christ not man.
People, who do not believe "Hell is Hot" believe it just enough... 
that if they must go to hell.. they are not trying to go alone.

Do not let people Dictate your Salvation!!
When people are not where they need to be in the Lord they are not going to tell you that...
People have secret sins and try their best to keep it on the low, low 


and if, you aren't strong and do let the Spirit guide you in All Truth,
 they could very well drag you out the door with them or worse Hell. 
Lean not unto your own understanding and definitely not the understanding of someone else.
 (Read: Prov. 3:5-6; Jer 17:5-7; Ps 37:3-5; Is 26:3; )

Be not wise in thine own eyes... Prov 3:7
#ICareAboutYourSoul #NAG #SistahSarah #NewAppointed You have your own mind, 
Think for Yourself!!

Friday, October 21, 2016



When we are bound by our Circumstances;
                   bound by our Problems;
                   bound by our Financial Woes;
                   bound by Procrastination and bound by Sin


Acts 16:16-40 (read)

Paul and Silas, were beaten, imprisoned and bound unable to walk around freely, unlike
the physical prisons of today. Think about that because, it is one thing to be in prison:
But to be Bound in your Prison?!

The enemy creates Prisons in our lives; We create prisons when we do not trust God,
Prisons hold us Captive, Hinder & Stagnate
our Growth.
These are your Doubt Prison, Your Fear Prison, Your Secret Sin Prison, Your Worry Prison
and Your Prison of Unbelief.
Paul & Silas:
When it seemed  like Everything was against them; When it seemed like there
was no way out; When it seemed like all Hope was Fading: They used what was Loose;
To Break the Shackles off What was Bound! They Praised God in the Midst of their circumstances!

With their feet Bound, they remembered (as we should) that GOD, Keeps his word
His word says, PS 34;19 Many are the afflictions of the Righteous but the Lord delivered them
out of them ALL. John 8:36 Whom the son set free is Free Indeed. That must have been when
they realized their hands weren't bound (Some state that there hands were bound also the bible says their feet were in bonds) and lifted Holy hands in the midst of the circumstance

  • It may seem you are up to your neck in debt;
  • it may seem like your problems are pulling you under like quicksand;
  • it may seem like you are about to lose your job or home;
  • you may have an unsaved spouse or family member pulling you in every direction
  • it may seem like No one understands what you are going through

But see Paul & Silas realized, their tongues were loose and began to disregard
the current situation; the Pain; the Struggle in order to separate themselves to
GOD and the more they surrendered the circumstances. The Louder the Praise got
because, "They Turned the Volume Up!' and those heavy shackles fell off, the prison
shook and the doors flew open.
What Blessed me about this passage as well, is that though they were no longer bound,
no longer captive - they remained, they didn't leave.
The reason they didn't leave is because they saw a need they saw a need; the guard himself was bound and needed to be set free.
Now that they were Loose:
They can help the one that is Bound!

There are times when we may need a little help and cannot breakthrough on our own.
I thought about, when Jesus raised Lazarus, after he commanded him to come forth
he saw that he was bound hand & foot and his face was bound: He told those that were
near to Loose him and let him Go.
The Brothers & Sisters, that are Loosed can help break the shackles off our
Brothers & Sisters that are Bound. We need Corporate Praise to help us Breakthrough to where God is. This is one of the reasons Church and Fellowship are so important. When you are in the Pride Prison that pride will not allow you to seek help and the enemy will say, you don't need to let people know your business just to hold you captive.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

When Your Thoughts and Words, do not line up with what the Word, says!...Take your Thoughts Captive.

Before we were saved, we spoke with a Godless way of thinking which stems from being born in Sin. Glory be to God, We are now new creatures and we must lay aside every weight.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]. 2 Cor 5:17 (AMP)
Old things: Old habits, Old disposition, Old way of thinking. We want to separate ourselves from negative thinking. Do not embrace uncertainty.
Eph 4:23  And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
I want to share  an analogy the spirit gave me. If I type, "I can't make it!' into my computer into a program on my computer it will automatically, save whatever information I enter. so that I can retrieve that information at anytime even months or years from now. Now when I retrieve that information it will produce exactly what I put in "I can't make it!" that is the information I gave it. It doesn't change until I change it. Now there are some programs that will ask you "Do you want to save this?" You have a choice whetther to keep it, delete it or change it. Now use this analogy in your personal walk you have to exercise you mind to think like Christ. . I use the word exercise because it is like a muscle the more you exercise it the stronger it gets "READ your WORD!" Study the word if you do not study the word you HAVE NOTHING TO FIGHT WITH! Do not let the Enemy control the Keyboard!
Like I mentioned, above you have a choice you do not have to except everything the enemy throws at you WE HAVE POWER!! This is where you should refuse to yield your thoughts to negatively, I can't, I doesn't, it won't, I don't have, I can't make it, and I'm not.. you are defeating yourself because like the computer analogy you are programming this negativity into your spirit. Therefore, reflecting the exact opposite of who Christ says, we are and what we can do and continuing this way can be a Stronghold - A Stronghold is a mindset that accepts a situation as un-changeable even when it is contrary to the will of God, you have defeated yourself for sooo long that you now believe everything you say; what others say and what you say about others to be true. When someone speaks life into you and you can't receive it because you have programmed this belief system.

I exhort you to Speak Life - Speak life into yourself, your children and others. Words have Power. You have the ability to Build up or Tear down with your Words. Life and Death are in the Power of the tongue. Prov 18:21
The word tells us to take our thoughts captive to the Obedience of Christ 2 Cor 10:5. We struggle we all struggle you are not alone . The Flesh will always be in constant conflict with the Spirit they are contrary to one another. It is IMPORTANT to stay in the word says, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. The enemy want to raise up a partition in our mind he wants to block the knowledge of God from increasing you. as soon as you say, you want to do something in the kingdom he says, you can't do that it is not going to work, it won't help anybody and what do we do we get discouraged and sit down and we become someone who occupies a pew in church, a ineffective, soldier for Christ because you fail to realize who you are in him.
RENEW when the bible tells us to renew or we are renewed we are restored we are made New there is a change that needs and  has taken place.

Please read Proverbs 18:21; 2 Cor 10:3-5; James 1:8; Ps 139:23,24

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


There are Givers and There are Takers:

There are People who will drain the Life out of you if you let them.
These people can very well be Family: 
They may very well be people in the church:
They will drain you financially, spiritually, physically and drain you mentally
Because of your heart you will see how much you give but may not be aware of 
Just how much they take. These people at some point will learn the art of manipulation
as whispered by satan and take advantage of your kindness.
This is NOT to say we are not to help anyone but, seek Gods Wisdom to help you
discern the difference.

Just because, you are Saved: Doesn't mean you have to be a Doormat.

If you really have a Heart for Gods people keep in mind that helping them is 
not Handicapping them it is teaching them to march to the beat of their own drum
and not wail on yours.
Sistah Sarah's Wisdom Minute

2 Timothy 3:1-4  (KJV)
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;



He is the Father of it...DO NOT become his Sons and Daughters!
The enemy not only Blinds the minds of unbelievers but can dilute the minds of Christians within the church.
He will Whisper in your ear and once you begin to allow the enemy to store Falsehood within you! 
The more he will store there.
The more you hear: the weaker you become.
Diluting the word so that you ARE THEN at a Disadvantage of Resisting him.

Sometimes, you can blame the devil: but the devil is going to do His job. 
Sometimes, it's your own fault because you are Not doing YOUR JOB and therefore allowing the enemy to wreak havoc in your life; because you're not doing your job and instead feasting off Whispers & Lies becoming one yourself. 

How can I walk with you, if I cannot trust what you say?

 Beware! When the enemy stores in lies he will also offer a solution behind it - and it is usually to get you to leave the church. When discouraging thoughts come to your mind.,


Monday, October 17, 2016

Keep Going, Even When you Feel like there is no Fight Left in You!

An Ability to Push when You're feeling like There no Fight Left in You;
But Serve a GOD who has instilled Nothing but Great in You.

People of God, Those who know my Testimony, know that I have had 11 Surgeries they tell me I will need 3 more that would bring me to 14. That is what They say, That isn't what God says. but as so many of us do we listen to our circumstances. See, I kept listening to my pain it was just was so Loud then when it would settle down,.. I could hear the Spirit, He said, Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but  the LORD delivered him out of them all Psalms 34:19
Not the Doctors, Not me and as I continued to Turn the Volume up!

I heard him say, 1 Peter 5:9-10 (AMP) But resist him, be firm in your faith [against his attack—rooted, established, immovable], knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone.] 10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be].

Not just with Illness but in all our storms...Have you ever watched the news and heard the weatherman predict rain all day so we grab an umbrella we bundle the kids up only to look up a couple of hours later to see the sun shining and the weather man wrong. We really need to make up our minds who we're going to listen to. That is why I Turn the Volume up so i can hear God rather than my circumstances.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

I go hard for God because, I found him to be true in my Circumstances I just had to to Turn the Volume up! Every time I had a surgery God brought me back 100%. I could of missed that but i didn't I always Get up! Man Disabled me but God Enabled me. I have been on canes, walkers, wheelchairs today, I walk freely. I have metal plates in my neck and in my low spine none of which Hinders my Praise.Yes, 14 surgeries.
When you Give up - You Give in and that is when you give the devil access.
Do not Give Up because, God is just trying to show you who you really are and guide you into your purpose. The people of Israel they griped and complained yet, God supplied every need, God kept his promise and Still Does Today.

 Doing things your way, How is that working for you??

1 Peter 1:6-7; Isaiah 48:10;Zechariah 13:9

Saturday, October 15, 2016

PRAY Men and Women of GOD PRAY!!

Put on the Whole Armour of GOD and PRAY!!

The enemy can be defeated if we would just Pray in Faith on our Knees.
PRAYER is a weapon! If you have a relationship with God,
 I exhort you to Pray for someone other than " yourself " and  "your" family 
go sincerely to the throne for someone else and watch
God move in their life as well as theirs. 

Father, The one reading this they may not know you...
Let's make sure they have get a formal introduction: 
In the name of Jesus. 

Thank you for it Lord, and Thank you for being so Good

Friday, October 14, 2016

CONSIDER Yourself like the Ant!!


Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! (Proverbs 6:6)

I read this verse, a few times in my walk and I have heard people use it in their teaching and it is usually, on laziness which is true and an exceptional point to make yet, when I read the verse "Consider stood out" I ask the Holy spirit in the morning before I write what do you want your people to know?
I looked at the verse again and I wanted to be obedient so I considered the ant. 

Consider means to: look attentively at: think about and be drawn toward (a course of action): regard (someone or something) as having a specified quality: take (something) into account when making an assessment or judgment:

I watched a video about ants and as I watched it I was so drawn by their tenacity, their motivation, their strength they keep moving, with one goal in mind as they prepare. They are preparing, They honor the head the Queen (in our case GOD first) and They are on one Accord as they work towards the same purpose. I tell you I got so much out of that short video. Ants are self- Motivated no one instructs them or has to tell them what to do they make use of every moment; Ants have the ability to bear more than 3 times their weight; Ants have initiative which some of us do not: people who must be told what to do; people who need to be directed do not posses wisdom

So why does God want us to "consider" the ant? I asked, the Holy Spirit this and the Spirit said, "God wants us to consider our Soul." 
See ants are committed to what is going to come.

We prepare when the weather man tells us a major storm, hurricane, flood or tornado is coming: Even when we don't see it, hmm. We rush out for food and supplies, board up our windows, put sand bags out (Seem familiar? Kind of like Ants, huh?) but when the people of God tell us Jesus is coming back we get slothful, we remain stagnated, wishy-washy, we sit back without making any preparation at all and "What happens to people who do not prepare? they take a direct hit and let tell you there will be no state of emergency, no Red Cross and no Fema when Jesus comes back it will be too late to try to work. Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 

Every ant has a job. Worker ants may have one job or several jobs.
Consider your gifts right here the bible says, we serve a different purpose under the same spirit that worketh in us. 1 cor 12:4,12,27 There are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit works in all, We are on the same team! Rom 12:4; Eph 4:16. 

Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. Joh 9:5  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 

Some workers gather food for the colony. When an ant finds food, it lays down a scent trail for others to follow to the food. Consider the Shepherd right here the Men/Women of God who gather they receive the word of God from Heaven and Feed your soul they sow life into you

Some ants store the food they harvest in special chambers in the nest. Consider right here the Ministers in the church they should be able to train those special chambers (a chamber is also defined as a small group of instruments) See everybody wants to preach but a ministers job is also to  train other leaders so that you can flourish and grow and share with others read Titus

Other workers feed and care for the queen and her developing young. Consider right here the Armour Bearers those who serve under the man/woman of God giving assistance to them in the the development of the vision of there ministry and the vision of the church. Glory to God these workers are slaves to righteousness.

Still others build the chambers and tunnels. They use their saliva to make the dirt walls hard. Consider the choir/the praise team right here because it is through praise and worship that a wall is build up that the enemy cannot penetrate and if the enemy can't get it in yoke can be broken, burdens can be lifted and people can be set free.

Some worker ants are soldiers. They defend the colony and fight off their enemies (other ants or other kinds of insects). Hallelujah, as we consider the Prayer Warriors and the Watchmen right here see Prayer Warriors show up dressed up bearing the whole Armour of God and ready. their job is to cover the church (Pastors, Leaders, Members, communities, etc.; they are posted and pray without ceasing) They fight on their knees praying constantly and consistently. 
Thank You, Holy Spirit!!

Someone, mentioned this to me as a Topic and before I write anything, I empty myself of me and seek the Holy Spirit, I am but a vessel. I can do nothing without God. I am so Blessed and so amazed as the Holy Spirit ministers to me there are 2 places I sit in - in my apartment and I listen and type and my God I have found that when I am released it is hours later, even dark outside and have not had food or water but, sustained Hallelujah! God is so good Y'all when you develop a personal relationship with him and submit your will to his you will see just how awesome, sweet loving, caring, big and real God is my everything and I Love God more than anything, I do not care who knows it.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

SHARPER than a Two-Edged Sword!!!

The Word of God is Sharper than any Two-Edged Sword!!!
Hebrews 4:12-13

The Word of GOD speaks to our  Hearts. Yes.
The Word of GOD also, Speaks to your Sin;

If you are going to Live this thing: YOU need to live it in Spirit and Truth~  Remember, the Flesh is Contrary to the Spirit there is no Compromise there - EVER!

The Word of God is Powerful to Convict, Powerful to Convert, Powerful to Transform, Powerful to Deliver, Powerful to Heal, Powerful to Cut you like a Knife.

I Doesn't Matter who likes it and who Does not, the Word of God will Surely, STAND.
The business of the Sword is to Pierce/Penetrate Separate the Flesh and the Spirit can Thrive. 
When you are in the House of God all things are Naked and Opened to the Man or Woman of God: People leave mad because, they are not ready to receive and rejected the word they feel violated.
 The Word of GOD is Powerful to be a Light...Don't Blame the Messenger! 

Gods Word will not return unto him Void Isaiah 55:11

Thank You, Holy Spirit!!

Monday, October 10, 2016


Let’s Just say..., Hypothetically

You were watching television and your show was suddenly interrupted by Breaking News!
The news reporter states there is evidence that Jesus Christ will be entering our atmosphere on this coming Tuesday. Matt 24:36,37

Are you ready?

“What would you do?”

  • Would you go to church on Sunday? 
  • Would you get saved? 
  • If you were cheating on your spouse would you Stop? 
  • Would you apologize to someone you wronged? 
  • Would you return something you’ve stolen? 
  • Would you Forgive "now"?

“What would you do?”
For those of us already saved… “Are you ready?”

  • What would you do that you are not doing now?
  • Would you pray more? Would you study the word more?
  • Would you start fasting? Would you release that ought against your brother or sister?
  • “Would anything you do be enough?” 

Can you get your house in order before Tuesday?

“Some” reading this may be reading with a raised eyebrow or rolling your eyes in disbelief saying, “They’ve been saying that for years…. Longer than I can remember!”

Yes-Yes they have. Do you not think... he’s a lot closer NOW, than when they said it years ago?? What would you tell him? You can’t say you didn’t know? God's word is written on the fleshly tablets of every mans heart.

I'm just saying, Will "we" be ready??

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sistah Sarah's Short Take on Self-Sabotage

What is Self-Sabotage?

Why do we do it?
Because, we are connected to a certain set of Circumstances or Behavior

The person isn't always aware of their own self-sabotage or know how to dis-engage from their originating behavior. This affects so many different people in many different walks, and aspects of life. Even the Wealthy, if they were to suddenly, become poor many would not know how to adapt to a common life-style.

Here are some examples:
A man/woman may have been imprisoned for a number of years  - Then to be set-free you would think he/she would quickly adapt to his freedom but cannot because he/she has adapted to confined spaces, lots of noise and rules and a structured environment. This person is stagnated and hesitates because they're used to being told what to do and when to do it because he/she is now accustomed to a Prison Mentality.

A man/woman who is homeless, not used to having their own will adapt to handouts, hoarding, and even others fending for them this person has also adapted to becoming a taker and has lost the concept of giving. When he/she is given a roof over his/her head, a job, etc,. The self-sabotage would be the inability to keep a job though it brings money because, he has adapted to not having to work; he/she has no drive, no initiative, refuses to do things for his/self improvement, hoards food or items. Sad but True. this person has a Homeless Mentality.

A month or so ago,
I wrote about Changing our mind-set which can be found on my blog page: http://virtuousviewpoint.blogspot.com/2016/09/change-is-destiny-rejection-is.html people will make excuses to justify lack of growth and productivity.
Ting  in there Faith; 
his is another obstacle that affects us in the church - in that, those of us who should be leaders in the church have instead become Jezebel's Puppets (Jezebel is a Hindering Spirit & more) They are hindered from going Forth and have taken on a The Convenient Christian Mentality and the enemy is trying to cripple the church with members who are handicapping the progress of the church because they only want to do what is convenient. They do not want to be stretched out of their comfort zones; they are not grow

They do not Fellowship;
They have no initiative
No Drive;
Do not share the Good News; Do not want to Give regardless of the Benefit of being Blessing it is likely, that these members are stagnated and have been in the same position for years. 

This is Self-Sabotage in the Church and they are Self-Sabotaging their Destiny in Christ. This is a Convenient Christian Mentality.

 These Mentalities mean:  The way of Thinking; Their Mind-set; Frame of Mind; Cast of Mind.

Phil 3:13-14; 2 Tim 1:7; Eph 5:29; 2 Tim 3:7; James 4:17; Jeremiah 29:11



Your Giving

Your Faith;
Your Prayer life;
Your Attendance;
Studying Gods Word;
Sharing the Good News;
Trusting God



Tuesday, October 4, 2016


 Have you ever been in a service where the people had to be pumped up, during Praise and Worship where you could almost see that certain ones were struggling or worried who was looking at them? The Spirit allowed me to see it clearly and when I asked, what’s wrong the Holy Spirit revealed to me “They do not know *How to Worship.”
I went home with that stuck in my Spirit. A few days later, I sat in my quiet time and with my bible, notebook and pen ready I began to listen to the Spirit and the reason we do not know how to Worship God is because, we have not relinquished *Our will - to His ………………………………………………………………… I have to let that marinate a little bit. Until, we realize we are not the one who is in control, and Submit to the One who is; we become like the equalizer bar (pictured) up and down with highs and lows Your Attendance, your Prayer life, your Giving, Fasting, Study of his word, Honoring others, witnessing all become affected and you will not be consistent.  

We must put a complete Halt! to walking according to our own ideologies and according to our own agendas as if, God needs our help. GOD Doesn’t need our help You can’t pick and choose, in what areas you will Trust GOD, it is ALL or NOTHING! We are not in control! If we were in control, things would be exactly the way we want it to be.
…HE IS GOD!! He created the Heavens and the Earth; HE IS ALPHA AND OMEGA; HE IS THE GREAT I AM!! HE SHARES HIS GLORY WITH NO ONE!! You cannot Worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24), if you are walking around thinking it was something you did. All good thing come from God read Ps. 127. GOD is Sovereign.
You may be a little curious about the volume bars (pictured) as the Holy Spirit continued to speak to me
The Volume Bar Ascending to Descending: is our walk with God when we start off with God we are full of zeal willing to trust and believe God in everything we serve a mighty God in the beginning but when trouble comes YOU start to allow these things to speak louder to you than the word of God and when you begin to start trying to figure out how ‘You’ are going to fix/solve a problem rather than God. you are then self-sabotaging your own destiny and you become so pre-occupied than you are allowing you problems to get bigger and God becomes smaller, the light that used to shine in you has become dim and you can’t not hear.
Volume Bar Descending to Ascending:  if you would just “Turn the Volume Up’ (Romans 10:17) Read and Study the word, you turn God up a notch; Pray without ceasing you turn God up a notch; remember his Promises - you turn God up a notch; Fast and Pray - you turn God up a notch. TURN GOD UP FULL BLAST AND HE WILL DROWN OUT EVERYTHING ELSE!! You will not be able to even hear the enemy and you will see exactly how BIG GOD IS and the understanding of the Magnitude of his hand in your life will become clear. I was on my way to church yesterday evening and while going towards the AT&T stadium it doesn’t quite seem that big but the closer I got the bigger I got (Do you get that?)
Praise is Recognition, we praise God because he is worthy, we praise him for his grace and mercy, we praise him for what he has done and is going to do in our lives; it is clapping your hands, singing, dancing, It is With You Whole Heart; we praise God in every instance and for everything!
Worship is acknowledging GOD’s sovereignty; His Greatness; it is lifting up Holy hands; bowing down before his presence; it is Reverence; It is Adoration; It is Fasting; It is Honoring the Leaders; it is COMPLETE SURRENDER TO GOD’S WILL. I Empty myself of me, so that I may be Filled with YOU…That my friends is Worship. The Title of this Topic is: TURN THE VOLUME UP!! If you know someone is going through struggling in their walk, Whining tell them to TURN THE VOLUME UP!! Do not let your Brother or Sister Self- Sabotage exhort then to Greatness! Tell that unsaved person to “Turn up the Volume!” let them ask you what it means invite them to hear from God. Thank You, Holy Spirit!!

My Prayer for you is that whenever you are going through something; Struggling with something and you see a volume bar that you remember to Turn God Up, Turn the Volume Up!