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Monday, November 7, 2016


I was talking to the Lord, this morning.
 I am excited! 
I am excited about the topic he gave me this morning
but, First...
I have a question for you all this morning:


Are you sure?

Because, if you have Hangups, you are Not Plugged in;
If you have Doubt, you are Not Plugged in;
If you don't have Faith, you're Not Plugged in;
If you are Not Saved, you are Not Plugged in;
If you are not Obedient, you are Not Plugged in;
You can't be Plugged in if you are in Sin;
How can you be Plugged in, if you do not Study the Word and Pray and, if you are not Faithful how can you be Plugged In??


When we Plug into the Word, We Plug into who we "Really are"!!
When we Plug into the Study of God's Word; we then Stop allowing our emotions to get in the way of our Faith.
Stop being so concerned about how you feel and concern yourself with what you should do.
Can you tell yourself, It doesn't matter how I feel?
When you can look in the mirror, Say That and, Mean it! Then you are Connecting, YOU are getting Plugged in because, Self... is out of the way. Feelings do not Move GOD, Faith does! 
Know that , How you deal with your problems remember, it is not what you go through but, How you go through it;

Now you can plug into the POWER OF GOD, which brings me to introduce the topic the Lord, gave me for today, 
"MOUNTAIN MOVERS"  Nope, this was the one but, I Thank the Holy Spirit for this because, you will need to be Plugged in to get it.
When you get Plugged in to Christ;
Get plugged in to the Word;
You can and will be CONNECTED to the Man and Woman of God: Shepherds over your Soul and Connected to their Vision and
Get Plugged into the Power of GOD
You become a Mountain Mover>>>

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