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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Church Hopper #4: Monkey see, Monkey Do (Conforming)

Holy Spirit, I am but a vessel use me as thou will; Have YOUR way, Lord!

When you are around UN-saved friends, family, co-workers, boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse:
I want to help you think of them as having influenza (The Flu), you need to think of Sin like a virus.  you are around people who are infected.. that virus will transfer from person to person, this includes your fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are not living the life
When you are in a room or around a group of infected people the likelihood of you becoming infected is Great; Than if you were around those who speak Life and who have Life in them

(The flesh is weak) The bible tells us come out from among them and be separate 2 Cor 6:17. God knows you but the enemy knows you as well and, will work through those closest to you, who know you. They will not have respect for the change in you. The world does not understand Spiritual things, they can't. The enemy will work diligently to pull you back in. Proverbs 1:10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

Do not think you can inject/hop yourself into the world or group in order to win someone to Christ. You must be Equipped, If you do not Strengthen the Spirit - If the Spirit is not Strong you open that door and allow the enemy to have dominion. The Spirit, is to have dominion over the Flesh!  Sin is contagious,.. if you are not rooted and grounded in the Word. Being separate, means we can't mix with worldliness. … Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

To CONFORM means to accept values, behaviors and ideas regardless of whether or not you agree; in order to follow the crowd.

Point: You Conform to what you Love!
Matthew 6:21 (KJV) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Hence my Topic: Monkey See, Monkey Do 

This Church Hopper tries to Blend in with the Church and Blend in with the World. COMFORTABLE CHRISTIANITY. This generation makes me Shake my Head (SMH) how many allow the devil to beguile them. God is NOT a God of compromise.
I have stated, many times You cannot Change the word, to fit your Flesh!
We are dealing with a Generation THAT DOES NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH!! The enemy has come in and blinded the minds of The older generation to MODERNIZATION (CHANGING WITH THE TIMES!!) NO, NO, NO!!! What you have done Is: you have LEFT THE FOUNDATION to become COMFORTABLE!! And, You have now Conformed to the World.

It is a Sad Day we live in…
When we see Men &; Women of God change not to live unto Holiness but, to Accommodate the worlds perspective: Affecting the way we dress, The way we serve, Affecting the way we carry ourselves… and, How we represent our Savior.

The more you ingest worldly things - The more you open yourself up to be influenced; and, when you start to get influenced, you give over control because, you allow the world to set up you up as an accomplice to their sin.
If you partake with them; you partake in the guilt; you will be held accountable. Do not partner up with those who compromise their walk with Jesus!

Proverbs 4:14  Don’t enter into the path of the wicked.

Don’t walk in the way of evil men.

Psalms 11:3 The enemy is constantly attempting to erode and destroy the foundational truths of God’s word using distortions, corruptions, half-truths, and modern "interpretations", for he knows that “if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Making Legal what God, declared Illegal:
You support what God has deemed an Abomination!

There is nothing new under the sun.
Eccl 1:9
That which has been is that which will be [again],
And that which has been done is that which will be done again.
So there is nothing new under the sun

We know, what is means to conform. Now, what does Comfortable Christianity mean?
People have become so comfortable in their sin that they  shrug off conviction and back -pedal into worldliness
If you are not seasoned, in the word (still on milk)
If you have not been completely delivered
If you have not changed your mindset
Like a vacuum, the world will suck you in

How is this Church Hopping, you ask?
You are Hopping from one Sin to the next
Monkey See - Monkey Do
Because, you see someone else compromise

You think it is okay? NO!! 
You are to restore your Brother and Sister in Love.

Other scripture Reference:
 Rom 6:16; 7:17-24;Jer 10:23; Ex 23:2; Titus 2:12; 2 Cor 6:17; Luke 6:46

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