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Tuesday, October 4, 2016


 Have you ever been in a service where the people had to be pumped up, during Praise and Worship where you could almost see that certain ones were struggling or worried who was looking at them? The Spirit allowed me to see it clearly and when I asked, what’s wrong the Holy Spirit revealed to me “They do not know *How to Worship.”
I went home with that stuck in my Spirit. A few days later, I sat in my quiet time and with my bible, notebook and pen ready I began to listen to the Spirit and the reason we do not know how to Worship God is because, we have not relinquished *Our will - to His ………………………………………………………………… I have to let that marinate a little bit. Until, we realize we are not the one who is in control, and Submit to the One who is; we become like the equalizer bar (pictured) up and down with highs and lows Your Attendance, your Prayer life, your Giving, Fasting, Study of his word, Honoring others, witnessing all become affected and you will not be consistent.  

We must put a complete Halt! to walking according to our own ideologies and according to our own agendas as if, God needs our help. GOD Doesn’t need our help You can’t pick and choose, in what areas you will Trust GOD, it is ALL or NOTHING! We are not in control! If we were in control, things would be exactly the way we want it to be.
…HE IS GOD!! He created the Heavens and the Earth; HE IS ALPHA AND OMEGA; HE IS THE GREAT I AM!! HE SHARES HIS GLORY WITH NO ONE!! You cannot Worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24), if you are walking around thinking it was something you did. All good thing come from God read Ps. 127. GOD is Sovereign.
You may be a little curious about the volume bars (pictured) as the Holy Spirit continued to speak to me
The Volume Bar Ascending to Descending: is our walk with God when we start off with God we are full of zeal willing to trust and believe God in everything we serve a mighty God in the beginning but when trouble comes YOU start to allow these things to speak louder to you than the word of God and when you begin to start trying to figure out how ‘You’ are going to fix/solve a problem rather than God. you are then self-sabotaging your own destiny and you become so pre-occupied than you are allowing you problems to get bigger and God becomes smaller, the light that used to shine in you has become dim and you can’t not hear.
Volume Bar Descending to Ascending:  if you would just “Turn the Volume Up’ (Romans 10:17) Read and Study the word, you turn God up a notch; Pray without ceasing you turn God up a notch; remember his Promises - you turn God up a notch; Fast and Pray - you turn God up a notch. TURN GOD UP FULL BLAST AND HE WILL DROWN OUT EVERYTHING ELSE!! You will not be able to even hear the enemy and you will see exactly how BIG GOD IS and the understanding of the Magnitude of his hand in your life will become clear. I was on my way to church yesterday evening and while going towards the AT&T stadium it doesn’t quite seem that big but the closer I got the bigger I got (Do you get that?)
Praise is Recognition, we praise God because he is worthy, we praise him for his grace and mercy, we praise him for what he has done and is going to do in our lives; it is clapping your hands, singing, dancing, It is With You Whole Heart; we praise God in every instance and for everything!
Worship is acknowledging GOD’s sovereignty; His Greatness; it is lifting up Holy hands; bowing down before his presence; it is Reverence; It is Adoration; It is Fasting; It is Honoring the Leaders; it is COMPLETE SURRENDER TO GOD’S WILL. I Empty myself of me, so that I may be Filled with YOU…That my friends is Worship. The Title of this Topic is: TURN THE VOLUME UP!! If you know someone is going through struggling in their walk, Whining tell them to TURN THE VOLUME UP!! Do not let your Brother or Sister Self- Sabotage exhort then to Greatness! Tell that unsaved person to “Turn up the Volume!” let them ask you what it means invite them to hear from God. Thank You, Holy Spirit!!

My Prayer for you is that whenever you are going through something; Struggling with something and you see a volume bar that you remember to Turn God Up, Turn the Volume Up!

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