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Monday, October 3, 2016

Learn how to go Through, for your Breakthrough

It's not what you are going through but, "How" you are getting through while you wait. 
You need to see your situation as Prayers answered. What you are waiting for is the manifestation of that answered prayer (Time has to catch up with the truth) 
This comes in Gods time not ours and "his" timing is perfect. 
Hallelujah! God steps in when that devil thinks he has won... you know, we already have the victory right?? Of course you do.

What do we would when someone comes through, for us? We thank them.
We want to Praise God- Praise God in Advance, put action behind your Faith we "must" take that step of Faith. Do not be concerned with what other people think (people will make you backslide if you're not careful) Put your focus on God do not take your eyes off him (Matt 14:28-30)

It is not God, who fails us but we who fail him but have all come short Romans 3:23. A lot of these areas are learned and need to be practiced. Remember, "we were not born into this we were Re-born into this." Therefore, when you stumble re-group and try again we must press forward Phil 3:14
Do not give up, Do not lose faith, Put your trust in God, keep your head up.
In order, to see the rainbow you must go through and get through the storm

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