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Thursday, December 29, 2016



Loss of momentum and losing your first love leads to Apostasy.
Apostasy is disaffliation from what you believe; it is embracing an opinion contrary to your previous belief; it is neglecting your spiritual disciplines.; it is turning away and abandonment from your church; It is neglecting the relationship, the communion you once had with God.

When you lose your love for the TRUTH, when you begin to shrug off conviction, all you really want is a cover for your sin. 
Apostates seek to find a covering outside the covering of the church and once they have separated 
members should have no dealings with apostates.
Listen to the Word
Romans 16; 17-18 Now I beseech you brethren, mark them diligently which cause division and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. 18 For they that are such, serve not the Lord Jesus but their own bellies, and with fair Speech and flattering deceive the hearts of the simple.

Conversations will consist of subtle reasonings claiming that what you believe is not the truth.
If you feel like this won't affect you because you are strong in the faith and truth and you have nothing to fear...Listen to the word
1 Corinthians 10:12 Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation]

You are not aware of the spirit this person - the spirit that caused them to leave the covering is working in them to pull you out as well. You cannot spend quality time or interject yourselves into groups [exposig yourselves to various spirits] in order to win them back.

The spirit that caused them to leave the covering is now working through them to pull you out as well. Entertaining their subtle reasonings can cause you to fall prey to questioning and doubt.
Listen to the word
1 Thessalonians 2:2-3 That ye be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that-that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.
Luke 8:13; Matt 13:21
*2 John 9-11
Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

When you abandon your church because of self-will/self-righteousness because of the truth this is apostasy (If the apostates you entertain were the same they would not have left and or things would have been done decent and in order)
Listen to the word)
1 John 2:18-19 Little Children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now there are many Antichrists: whereby we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they should have continued with us. But this cometh to pass, that it might appear, that they are not all of us.
2 Tim 4:3 When you abandon the faith shortly after receiving salvation to go back into the world this is backsliding.

When you continue to walk with someone after they have abandoned the Faith: Not only do you jeopardize your own faith but you are walking with the dead... someone who has flatlined spiritually because they have deviated from the normal pattern and separated from the heartbeat of the church

It is not for you to keep pleading with someone who has departed from the faith or from the church; they have made their decision. If they do not receive you 
Shake the Dust off your feet Matthew 10:14 
Do not allow someone else to defile you or else you become like them lead away by compromise, entertaining debates and/or the lusts of your flesh.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Wait is just a Process

Your Blessing, Your Breakthrough 
May seem as Far and as Distant as a "Needle in a Haystack";
Just know, that IT IS THERE:

GOD's Ways are above our own, His Timing perfect.
The Waiting is just a Process Eliminate negativity from your thinking:
Be Anxious for nothing, it leads to Worry - Worry leads to Fear which is not of God; Fear is Torment, and leads to Stress.
Can you see how it is a chain reaction?
The enemy works in an attempt to discredit the Promises of God. We know GOD is Beyond any Doubt. GOD's word is Sure and is a sure Foundation on which one can build. GOD cannot be dis-credited.
The enemy whispers in our ear (The money won't be here in time. God will understand if you use your tithes to pay that bill.) Imagine a court of law, the enemy trying to embed doubt and if he accomplishes his goal he has then Interfered with our breakthrough and Blocked our Blessing.
See within a Court of Law, if a prosecutor is able to Prove Reasonable Doubt then the case is thrown out and the accused set free. Do not give the enemy room to deceive you
Train your Mindset, call those things that are Not as though they Are. Hold God to his word and Wait with expectation.
*Speak Life into your Request, continuously. Seek for The Peace that God Provides through the Process.
All I am doing right here is telling you what the word says, exercise your Faith like a muscle and it will get stronger.

Ref: Num 23:19; Phil 4:6-7; James 1:6
#SistahSarah #NAG

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Repentance is When you Change


Do not let the enemy deceive you God does not hate you. GOD HATES SIN!!

We serve a Loving GOD, to whom we can go to at anytime. AGAPE means his Love is unconditional. GOD knows we are imperfect beings and knows that we make mistakes. The enemy would like to condemn us to those mistakes but, we have an Advocate: 
1 John 2:1 (KJV) My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
1 John 2:2 (KJV) And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

When sin is forgiven, it is Blotted out, It is no more remembered (Psalms 51) and is available to everyone God has no respect of persons. 

Forgiveness is an act of GODS Grace to forget transgressions we confess - without condemnation.

* Pride: interferes with our forgiveness. Pride keeps us from confessing our mistakes to God.

* Not having, a true intimate relationship with God hinders our forgiveness.
* Apostasy (Lukewarm) interferes with our forgiveness
* Not forgiving those who have wronged us interferes with our forgiveness

As you read Luke 3:10-14 you will see that when we repent there should be an outward expression of that Repentance this is not simply saying, I'm sorry only to turn and do the same thing next week NO!! A change needs to take place. I heart truly sorrowful realizes there offence and is equally hurt in that they do not seek to keep making the same mistake over and over then this is now ...Premeditated Sin and you are taking GODS Grace for granted. Lord, Shake Every Carnal Foundation let the spirit of conviction remain with them. 
#ICareAboutYourSoul You Should Too #SistahSarah

Scripture Reference:

Romans Chapter 8 (KJV)

8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

How can you Forget GOD?:

Part 2: STOP! Entertaining the devil! Part 2

This part of my Topic hits home so like the Pastor I was under in Germany Elder Ted Scott use to say, Just say Ouch! Consider me like your big sister in the Lord, I am tired of seeing the enemy defeat my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I see it, and I Pray that you will receive the word into your spirit and stop allowing the enemy to deceive you #ICareAboutYourSoul no, it won't happen overnight this is a part of your spiritual walk that you have to put into practice so that your natural mindset will change. His word will not return unto him void.

Entertaining the devil doesn't always take place on his territory (clubs, etc.)
Unless you subject yourself to his control. We tend to entertain the devil through our thoughts, actions and with our words.

Part 2 is How can you forget about GOD? Because, even the elect shall be fooled. When trouble comes when things do not go as planned we forget about the word and in doing so we forget to speak the word over our situation and even fail to believe and trust his word. Wow, Thank You, Holy Spirit.
James 2:19 tells us even the demons believe and tremble.
Galatians 5:7 you were running well, who prevented you from the truth? See what happens when we get side-tracked with the cares of this world we lose momentum, we lose focus,
Matthew 24:24 Even the elect shall be deceived. It doesn't matter your status or position you too and be fooled by the enemy Evangelist, Ministers, Missionaries you are not immune.

If the enemy is allowed to deceive you with something as insignificant as a headache. How is it, you think you cannot be deceived elsewhere.

People will miss church for a headache a stomachache okay, your healing is not at home your deliverance is at the house of God. Have you ever felt sick and pushed your way on to church and felt better once you start praising God. See my point there is a difference between someone who entertains the devil and someone who believes the word of GOD

How is it that you forget…
My God will supply your needs Phil 4:19
That "He" will teach you Ps 32:8
That when trouble comes his help is present Ps 46:1
That you are not alone Isaiah 41:10
That - You Can! Can't is obsolete Phil 4:13
That when you do not know what to do you have instruction Mark 11:23 God has blessed us to have Prophets among us Deuteronomy 18:18

I ask you, Do we Truly Believe God? Or, Just in some areas? Matthew 12:34-37
It's all or nought Saints if you say, you trust and believe God - Trust and believe God in season and out. If you have Faith in God for Healing but, do not trust him with your finances you are being inconsistent.

Whatever the difficulty of the situation. It does not matter how impossible it looks to You. Remember this:
IMPOSSIBLE BARRIERS, DO NOT HINDER GOD!! (Hallelujah, Thank You!! Father) STOP! Entertaining the devil Stop, letting him sit at the table of your mind feeding you garbage.

And, another thing people of God, EXPOSE THE ENEMY! It used to be a time when the people of God, would get up testify and say, I'm going through they would expose that there was a spiritual attack and the people of God would go into their prayer closets and intercede for their brother or sister and look forward with expectation to hearing How God brought them out.
Nowadays, The enemy has you holding on to trouble like miser and has you pre occupied in your thoughts battling inwardly, because you don't want people in your business. (Whaat?) It is the business of God to set your free, to loose those shackles and break strongholds in your life. YOU ARE ENTERTAINING THE DEVIL! And your little feelings right there, is what is going to keep you bound. Let me share with you what the enemy is doing he is isolating you and he is likely, doing it because he knows you do not Pray, Fast and Study enough to fight him on your own. He whispers in your ear keep people out of your business because he doesn't want someone with power to come along and help you fight because two or three God is in the midst. Two can put a thousand to flight.

I was riding, in the car with a friend and they began to talk and share somethings with me and the Lord, showed me exactly how the enemy was manipulating this person this was a few months back I had to tell them look this is what is happening. I said, that to say this Brothers and Sisters I am so blessed, to share with you what the Holy Spirit gives to me and  I pray that it helps you to get your defenses up against the wiles of the enemy (See Part 1) #ICareAboutYourSoul So, should you. I Love You and God Bless you.
#SistahSarah #NAG #NewAppointed

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

STOP! Entertaining the devil!

  • Sub-Topic: How could you forget GOD?)?

Ephesians 4:27 (Read Eph 4:26-28)
I asked, the Holy Spirit what to tell the people today and he said, "Tell them to STOP, Entertaining the Devil"

  • When you refuse to acknowledge those big or little things that hinder you.
  • When you give in to the Flesh.
  • When you hold on to stuff (The past, bitterness, anger, resentment, grudges)
  • When you compromise with the Flesh. (Your Feelings will fool you)
  • When you Shrug off Conviction; When you Shrug off the Truth


Let's take a closer look. Here's some things to be aware of:
To entertain: To give attention or consideration to (An idea, suggestion or feeling.)

 Power of Suggestion:

Suggestion is the psychological process  by  which one person guides the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another.
EX. Suggestion
A rabbits foot=The suggestion that you will obtain or have luck
A glass of wine =suggests that you are being social, alleviate depression, or will have a good time
A pill= suggest that it will make you feel better, your pain will go away, or heal you

What are the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11):
The wiles of the devil are devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what he/she wants through lure or enticement.

Discouragement, confusion, indifference, doubt, influence come from the enemy.
What we expect influences our behaviors for better or for the worse.

  1. The devil exaggerates the pleasures of sin Heb
    11:24,25 to lay a trap to sin after which when the enemy has lured you into sin; brings condemnation.
  2. If he sees an opening (even a crack in the door) he will enter in through mood and emotion Eph 4:26 "I know, I shouldn't drink but, I was depressed."
  3. The devil will use people to lead astray friends, family and co-workers * Col 2:4
  4. The devil will influence you through believing God is not going to come through in time and as a result you take matters into you own hands through your own ideology of a fix for your situation or trouble.

Don't let Hell have the Harvest Heaven Gave you. Joshua 18:3; Deut 1:8

We allow the enemy to steal our harvest through 4 types of people in the church
  • A lazy person thinks they do not have to put any action to their faith that all is needed is for them to sit there.
  • A conceited, person will never get anywhere usually, because they think that they are already there
  • A comfortable person believes as long as they have been faithful and perfect the position  they are in - That a new level or realm is unnecessary and are unwilling to grow past where they are
  • A lukewarm, person believe that they can play both sides and still be blessed.

Can't you see people of God that you are entertaining the devil? You are being hoodwinked by the enemy. The enemy has set a trap for you and you have fallen for the Okie Doke, there is no new age Christianity but, I can tell you- You are falling for the age of Apostasy. You  STOP following what folks do and, follow the word of God, you have no defense against the enemy when you do not study the word, you cannot grasp the word of truth if you have no root in you; You entertain the enemy through friendships with unsaved, by allowing the enemy to speak to your mind, through church hopping,

Tomorrow Part 2 Stop! Entertaining the Devil

How could you forget God by giving way to the enemy??

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

God is in your Forward, Not your Backward!

If you want to reach a Successful Conclusion, you need to stop looking for purpose in what happen yesterday. 

Isaiah 43:18-19 "Remember, not the former things, nor Consider the things of old
We will only get as far as the Direction we are faced!
If you go through life walking backwards you are walking in darkness and You cannot see the direction you are going when God has closed the door to your past; 
But what happened, When? - has you Bound. 

When you walk Forward you make progress. Unlimited possibilities are open to you.
Word says we Press Towards the Mark (That's Forward) Phil 3:14
We just need to keep moving forward- forward means, that is not the end. backwards stunts our growth and keeps us from getting to where we need to go.

A person who lives in the past will have a Negative Forecast, its gonna rain, its cloudy its cold (You will notice, just like their life) Someone moving Forward will likel have on shades due to the Brightness of their Future. They have a Progressive Forecast.
 #ICareAboutYouSoul You Should Too #SistahSarah 

Monday, December 5, 2016



The purpose of makeup is to Enhance Natural Beauty. It does nothing to Enhance the Spirit. Man seems to always find a way to change or add to the intention for which something was created.

Makeup is now used to alter, hide or change a persons Natural makeup (How we look without it) We use concealer to conceal what we consider flaws; We use foundation to to give our face a flawless appearance. A man can alter his complete makeup to make himself look like a Woman  and most men of the same gender do not know the difference.

Once you set your mind to dabble in sin you have opened the eyes of God in your direction. See he knew your heart when you were contemplating sin.... HE IS AND ALL KNOWING ALL SEEING GOD. You may be able to hide a pimple or two from man but YOU CANNOT HIDE NOT EVEN A BLEMISH, FROM GOD!

Proverbs 28:13 (AMP)
He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
But whoever confesses and [a]turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy

Sin has a trickle down effect, one leads to another then, you begin lying to cover up your sins. ( Why you missed church, Why you don't fast? Why you haven't paid Tithes in the last few months?) Your excuses means nothing to God because, he knows your heart. Your excuses really do nothing for the man or woman of God you are telling them to because if they are Discerning THEY KNOW YOU ARE LYING ANYWAY.

John 3:20 (AMP)
For every wrongdoer hates the Light, and does not come to the Light [but shrinks from it] for fear that his [sinful, worthless] activities will be exposed and condemned.


WHAT STUMPS ME these days is that :Men and Women of
God Instead of coming to JESUS admitting your mistake, repentance, getting it right and moving Forward in the Faith. Your Succumb to the Power of Pride and dig yourself a deeper hole leading to the pit of Hell.  Proverbs 16:18 (AMP)  Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall.

Thank You, Holy Spirit
Father, I Pray that you Heal, Deliver and Restore in the name of Jesus!
Ref. Jer 16:17; Psalms 44:21; Rom 6:21; Proverbs 13:18

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Do not be Deceived! Do not Fear!


Thursday, December 1, 2016

When you FLAT-LINE it = Spiritual Death


We are lead busy lives,
We all on a daily basis tend to interact with the Hustle and Bustle of things around us:
Work, School, Children, Spouse, Bills, Events, The Groceries, The Dry Cleaners and Meetings.


The necessity of our duties on earth can cause us to neglect our Spiritual Disciplines---
Prayer, Study of God's Word and Fasting. Prayer is an integral part of our personal relationship with God.
Prayer: Connects us to God,
Studying the Word: Nourishes us Spiritually and arms us against the enemy
Fasting: Powers us up (different levels of fasting benefits the Spiritual Man in different ways 1 day fast 3 day fast etc;

When we put the cares of this world ahead of God: We enter into a dependence of self rather than, a dependence on God. The Bible instructs us… Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Psalms 55:22 Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved (1 Peter 5:7).

When we negate our Spiritual Disciplines, putting things before God has a Trickle-Down effect; as more and more you begin to take matters into your own hands.
"I have to do this." 'I need to do that."
We even begin to put our desires before God, expressly our desire for a mate and begin to seek out a mate on our own and without God's direction.

As you proceed , to walk in your own strength (*Proverbs 28:26; Phil 2:13) Your Spiritual pulse gets weak. This is Arrhythmia: A deviation from the normal pattern of the heartbeat. You have lost momentum. You have lost your first Love (Rev 2:4-7).

Because, your Heart is beating for the care of this world, you are unsuccessfully drawing strength from your own will and have now allowed the things that can bless you spiritually - to Lapse
*You use to be a Faithful Tither and now you are scheming off the top or no longer tithing at all.
*You use to attend Faithfully, now you need to babysit, are so tired or some other excuse.

*You use to contribute your time and effort towards the vision of the church and now you show a lack of interest.

Gods knows and sees this. 

Now your pulse is weak and Thready.

Your Pastor, Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ are trying to revive you through the word but, you will not hear; and now you are grieving the Holy Spirit

Sclerosis: a medical term for hardening. Spiritual Hardness of the Heart.
Next it is through, the hardness of your heart that you now begin to conform to the dominion of Sin. 

Negating your Spiritual Disciplines, Losing momentum in the things of God, Walking in your own Strength cause Cardiac Arrest…With the Entrance of Sin You FLAT-LINE and now you become Dead to Christ.

Post-Mort em: You go to Hell
Then, ENTERS in the Second Death.

Lord, I Pray that your word reaches far and wide...