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Thursday, December 15, 2016

How can you Forget GOD?:

Part 2: STOP! Entertaining the devil! Part 2

This part of my Topic hits home so like the Pastor I was under in Germany Elder Ted Scott use to say, Just say Ouch! Consider me like your big sister in the Lord, I am tired of seeing the enemy defeat my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I see it, and I Pray that you will receive the word into your spirit and stop allowing the enemy to deceive you #ICareAboutYourSoul no, it won't happen overnight this is a part of your spiritual walk that you have to put into practice so that your natural mindset will change. His word will not return unto him void.

Entertaining the devil doesn't always take place on his territory (clubs, etc.)
Unless you subject yourself to his control. We tend to entertain the devil through our thoughts, actions and with our words.

Part 2 is How can you forget about GOD? Because, even the elect shall be fooled. When trouble comes when things do not go as planned we forget about the word and in doing so we forget to speak the word over our situation and even fail to believe and trust his word. Wow, Thank You, Holy Spirit.
James 2:19 tells us even the demons believe and tremble.
Galatians 5:7 you were running well, who prevented you from the truth? See what happens when we get side-tracked with the cares of this world we lose momentum, we lose focus,
Matthew 24:24 Even the elect shall be deceived. It doesn't matter your status or position you too and be fooled by the enemy Evangelist, Ministers, Missionaries you are not immune.

If the enemy is allowed to deceive you with something as insignificant as a headache. How is it, you think you cannot be deceived elsewhere.

People will miss church for a headache a stomachache okay, your healing is not at home your deliverance is at the house of God. Have you ever felt sick and pushed your way on to church and felt better once you start praising God. See my point there is a difference between someone who entertains the devil and someone who believes the word of GOD

How is it that you forget…
My God will supply your needs Phil 4:19
That "He" will teach you Ps 32:8
That when trouble comes his help is present Ps 46:1
That you are not alone Isaiah 41:10
That - You Can! Can't is obsolete Phil 4:13
That when you do not know what to do you have instruction Mark 11:23 God has blessed us to have Prophets among us Deuteronomy 18:18

I ask you, Do we Truly Believe God? Or, Just in some areas? Matthew 12:34-37
It's all or nought Saints if you say, you trust and believe God - Trust and believe God in season and out. If you have Faith in God for Healing but, do not trust him with your finances you are being inconsistent.

Whatever the difficulty of the situation. It does not matter how impossible it looks to You. Remember this:
IMPOSSIBLE BARRIERS, DO NOT HINDER GOD!! (Hallelujah, Thank You!! Father) STOP! Entertaining the devil Stop, letting him sit at the table of your mind feeding you garbage.

And, another thing people of God, EXPOSE THE ENEMY! It used to be a time when the people of God, would get up testify and say, I'm going through they would expose that there was a spiritual attack and the people of God would go into their prayer closets and intercede for their brother or sister and look forward with expectation to hearing How God brought them out.
Nowadays, The enemy has you holding on to trouble like miser and has you pre occupied in your thoughts battling inwardly, because you don't want people in your business. (Whaat?) It is the business of God to set your free, to loose those shackles and break strongholds in your life. YOU ARE ENTERTAINING THE DEVIL! And your little feelings right there, is what is going to keep you bound. Let me share with you what the enemy is doing he is isolating you and he is likely, doing it because he knows you do not Pray, Fast and Study enough to fight him on your own. He whispers in your ear keep people out of your business because he doesn't want someone with power to come along and help you fight because two or three God is in the midst. Two can put a thousand to flight.

I was riding, in the car with a friend and they began to talk and share somethings with me and the Lord, showed me exactly how the enemy was manipulating this person this was a few months back I had to tell them look this is what is happening. I said, that to say this Brothers and Sisters I am so blessed, to share with you what the Holy Spirit gives to me and  I pray that it helps you to get your defenses up against the wiles of the enemy (See Part 1) #ICareAboutYourSoul So, should you. I Love You and God Bless you.
#SistahSarah #NAG #NewAppointed

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